Civilian Conservation Corps operated nationwide between 1933 and 1942. It provided outdoor employment for 2.5 million young men working out of nearly 3,000 camps of 200 men each. The camps were supervised by the U.S. Army and the work projects by the Departments of Agriculture and Interior, in cooperation with the state. At individual camps, the CCC hired local men to work as craftsmen and teachers, while professional architects and engineers provided design assistance and construction supervision to enrollees. To participate, a man was required to be seventeen to twenty-five years of age and from a family on relief. The pay was thirty dollars a month.
The CCC operated camps in Texas with a total capacity of 19,200 men. Workers in Texas came from all over the country. Although most camps were devoted to soil-conservation and erosion-control projects, about twenty-five were responsible for the development of state parks. Participants performed heavy, semiskilled, outdoor labor; most worked on seeding, planting trees, banking slopes, or building roads and small dams. The CCC offered participants a variety of activities, including classes in camp or in local high schools or colleges. They could also participate in a sports program that often included baseball, football, and track.
Source: Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)
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