In 1763, it was difficult to get the original thirteen to agree on the time of the day. This "coming together" happened very gradually. The unanimous Declaration of Independence was not an obvious outcome.
The Declaration of Independence was a product of the Second Continental Congress. Two earlier intercolonial conferences had occurred, each building important keystones of colonial unity. The Stamp Act Congress and the First Continental Congress brought delegates from different colonies to an agreement on a message to send to the king. Each time the representatives met, they became more accustomed to compromises. And, as times grew desperate, the people at home became were willing to trust their national leaders.
Organizations formed to meet intercolonial objectives. The Long Room Club, of which James Otis, Samuel Adams, John Hancock, and Paul Revere were members, was one of the earliest known organizations formed in reaction to British measures. The Association actively promoted nonimportation beyond Massachusetts. The Sons of Liberty represented the radical wing of patriots through the years of crisis. They would not hesitate to scare a custom official out of town or tar and feather an enemy.
The Daughters of Liberty performed an equally important function, ensuring that women boycotted British goods. They also made homespun cloth, since British cloth was not imported.
Source: E Pluribus Unum
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