Impact of Globalization in Education
Globalization is a broad and complex concept. Some people believe globalization has brought undesirable consequences to society, affecting world harmony. Other people regard globalization as advantageous, making the world more connected and better informed.
Professor Jan Aart Scholte states that “Some people have associated “globalization” with progress, prosperity and peace. For others, however, the word has conjured up deprivation, disaster and doom.”
Listed below are some points that highlight the positive and negative impacts of globalization in education.
- Global education interconnects methods of teaching from worldwide systems to encourage the international development of environmental sustainability. These educational initiatives prioritize global access to school from the primary to the university levels to prepare students for multinational leadership roles.
- Globalization and education share mutual goals of preparing young people for successful futures during which their nations will grow increasingly connected.
- Globalization challenges for knowledge, education and learning will provide today’s learners the ability to be more comfortable with abstract concepts and uncertain situations.
- Information society and global economy requires a holistic understanding of systems thinking, including the world system and business eco-system. Globalization uses a holistic approach to the problems.
- Globalization enhances the student’s ability to gain and use knowledge. It develops the ability of learners to think independently, to exercise appropriate judgment, and to collaborate with others.
- Globalization produces more scientifically and technically trained people. The emerging economy is based on knowledge as a key factor of production, and industries demand that employees remain highly trained in science and technology.
- Globalization encourages students to work in teams, thereby developing skills in-group dynamics, compromise, debate, persuasion, organization, and leadership and management skills.
- Globalization breaks the boundaries of space and time to teaching and learning.
- Globalization meets the knowledge, education and learning challenges and opportunities of the Information Age. Globalization makes it easier for students to learn new skills and assimilate new knowledge.
- Globalization creates and supports information technologists, policy makers, and practitioners.
- Globalization encourages experimentation, advancing the potential of information technologies and communications for more effective learning.
- Globalization provides mutual support and benefit to produce synergy for various developments of countries, communities, and individuals.
- Globalization promotes international understanding, collaboration, harmony, and acceptance to cultural diversity across countries and regions.
- Globalization facilitates communications, interactions, and multi-cultural contributions at different levels among countries.
- A disadvantage of globalization in education can be the increased technological gaps and digital divides between advanced countries and less developed countries.
- Globalization in education might create more legitimate opportunities for a few advanced countries for a new form of colonization of developing countries.
Source: Impact of Globalization in Education
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