The Industrial Revolution can be defined as the large changes in agriculture and manufacturing processes during the 18th and 19th centuries. The first U.S Industrial Revolution in America centered on textile, iron, and steam engine inventions and technology. In 1973, Eli Whitney invented the Cotton Gin, Samuel Slater came up with the Cotton Spinning Machinery and James Watt came up with the idea of using steam power to drive boats.
The Cumberland Road, 600 miles, was the first federal highway in the U.S.A built in 1811-1837. Jethro Wood came up with the idea of an iron-bladed plow that could plow a stony field without breaking.
1831, Cyrus McCormick came up with the mechanical horse-drawn reaping machine. In 1837, John Deere invented a self-scouring plow with sharp-edged steel blades that cut cleanly through the prairie sod. Erie Canal construction eased transport to and from the market.
The first locomotive to pull a train of cars over the American Railroad was the 1831. In 1837 the invention of the telegraph and telegraph lines were erected alongside the railroads.
In 1842, steam powered Grain Elevators enabled fast transportation of wheat and other grains to market. In 1844, Charles Goodyear invented vulcanized rubber. In 1846, the Elias Howe Sewing Machine was invented revolutionizing the clothing and shoe industry.
The first Transcontinental Railroad was built between 1863 and 1869 to join the east of the U.S on the Atlantic Coast with the West of the United States to the Pacific Coast.
Source: Industrial Revolution Inventions
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