
Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972

Title IX protects students, faculty, and staff from sexual violence, discrimination, or harassment in federally funded education programs and activities.

Is my report confidential? If you are under 18, mandatory reporting laws may require disclosing certain kinds of abuse to a government agency.

Does Title IX protect me if I wasn’t harassed, bullied, abused, or assaulted at school? Yes.

What if my assailant doesn’t go to my school? The response depends on the level of control your school has over the alleged perpetrator.

What if I was assaulted by a non-student, such as a family member? Students often experience the continuing effects of off-campus sexual violence while at school.

What are my rights to accommodations under Title IX? Schools must provide free counseling services or class changes to allow you equal access to educational opportunities.

What accommodations do I have a right to without a school investigation? You have a right to reasonable remedies even if you do not participate in an investigation, including counseling or academic tutoring, changed course schedules, and increased security.

For which accommodations do I need to go through a school investigation first? If you want your school to discipline your perpetrator, you’ll need to consent to an investigation. It is unlikely that you will be able to remain anonymous from your perpetrator.

To what accommodations do I have a right while an investigation is under way? Interim accommodations are provided while an investigation is still underway. If you initially decline these remedies, you can change your mind later.

What if I become pregnant? If the pregnancy is the result of rape, you may have many medical, legal, and academic concerns. Title IX also protects students who become pregnant from consensual sex.

What if I don’t feel safe at school? Your school’s Title IX coordinator must make you feel safe at school, including providing security, disciplining your perpetrator, and providing anti-violence education.

How will this affect my grades and college applications? Students should not suffer academic penalties for surviving violence.

What prevention education and programming should the school implement? Schools should educate students regarding Title IX and sexual violence.

What if I am suffering retaliation? Your school cannot retaliate or punish you.

What if my school does not find my perpetrator responsible? Schools cannot punish students for bringing concerns to a school’s attention.

Do the accommodations I’m entitled to change if the perpetrator is not found responsible? It depends. If your report was made in good faith but ultimately unsubstantiated— and you are suffering a hostile environment — your school should still provide you reasonable accommodations.

Can my school force me to leave school? Your school can’t force you to leave campus due to being assaulted/abused, or for becoming pregnant or a parent.

What if my school violates my Title IX rights? You can push back against any school decisions.

What if my school isn’t subject to Title IX? Students can take legal action under comprehensive state laws, or through grassroots activism and advocacy.

Source: Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972
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