The La Salle expedition had far-reaching results. First, it shifted Spanish explorers’ interests from western Texas to eastern Texas. There was a renewal of Spanish exploration of the northern Gulf shore. It also inspired the French to claim Texas, causing the Spanish to move in Texas as a reaction to a French threat. The United States was also affected by La Salle’s expedition. Since there were French settlements in Texas, the United States was able to claim Texas as part of the 1803 Louisiana Purchase.
The few survivors from La Salle’s settlement were important in other explorations and settlements in the South and Southwest. L'Archevêque, Grollet, and Meunier joined Diego de Vargas in the resettlement of New Mexico in the 1690s. Father Anastase Douay was a chaplain for the Sieur d'Iberville's first voyage to Louisiana in 1699. Henri Joutel, turned down an opportunity to go with Iberville, but he sent his journal instead. In 1714 Pierre and another brother, Robert, served as guides and interpreters for St. Denis on his trip across Texas. There were rumors that there were still members of La Salle’s colony living among the Indians up through 1717.
Source: La Salle Expedition
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