Hussein’s forces brutally suppressed uprisings by Kurds in the north of Iraq and Shi’ites in the south. The U.S.-led coalition failed to support the uprisings.
U.S. and British aircraft patrolled skies and mandated a no-fly zone over Iraq. Iraqi authorities tried to frustrate United Nations weapons inspections. There was a brief resumption of hostilities in 1998, and Iraq refused to admit weapons inspectors.
In 2002, the United States called for the return of weapons inspectors to Iraq. President Bush issued an ultimatum demanding that Saddam Hussein leave power, under threat of war. Hussein refused, and the second Persian Gulf War began.
Saddam Hussein was captured by U.S. forces on December 13, 2003 and executed for committing crimes against humanity. The United States remained in Iraq until December 2011.
Source: Aftermath of the Persian Gulf War
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