in the Renaissance period of history.
The Renaissance was a time in history in which great discoveries were made. Explorers discovered the New World. Artists and painters changed how art was made. New techniques were used, and education and knowledge were celebrated.
Leonardo da Vinci is one of the most well-known artists of this time period. In addition to being an artist, da Vinci was also a scientist, writer, inventor, and engineer. He was a true “Renaissance Man,” gifted with many talents and a desire for learning.
Early Life
Leonardo da Vinci was raised by his grandparents in the Italian countryside. Growing up in the country meant he did not go to school. But he was a great mathematician and artist, solving complex problems even at a young age. Eventually, Leonardo was taken to Florence, Italy, where he studied under another artist, Verrocchio. As an apprentice, he learned how to mix colors and make brushes. Eventually he learned to draw and paint. He also studied architecture and made sculptures out of clay.
The Artist
By the age of twenty, Leonardo began his career as a painter. His two most famous paintings are the Mona Lisa and The Last Supper. Since the Catholic Church was the largest patron, or supporter, of the arts, many of his paintings were made for the Church. He also painted many portraits for the wealthy. Leonardo created new techniques for painting. He also invented many tools to help him with his paintings.
The Inventor
Leonardo’s love for math and curiosity led him to many of his inventions. His notebooks were filled with sketches as he thought about how things worked. His notebook drawings included helicopters, machine guns, and armored vehicles. Among his many inventions were an underwater diving machine, an automatic paper feeder for a printing press, a clock that showed both hours and minutes, a submarine, and a spring powered car.
Leonardo’s work as a painter, inventor, and mathematician earned him the reputation as a genius. His love of learning and his passion to discover how the world worked led to many developments that impacted the world. Leonardo da Vinci is one of the best-known painters and scientists of the Renaissance.
Source: Leonardo da Vinci: Man of the Renaissance
By Exploros, Da Vinci portrait by Grey83/; Mona Lisa by By C2RMF via Wikimedia Commons, Public Domain