(n) The study of planets, stars, and space.
Many people who take up astronomy first became interested when they were children.
(prep) In addition to or also.
Besides being on the soccer team, Sean loves playing basketball.
(n) A hole in the shape of a bowl found in the ground or at the mouth of a volcano.
The hikers walked to the top of the volcano to look down into the large crater.
(n) 1. A unit for measuring how warm something is.
Cindy heated the oven to 350 degrees before she put the bread in to bake.
2. A stage or step in a series.
By degrees, Malcolm slowly got better at doing his math problems.
(n) The distance from side to side and through the center of a circle or a round object.
The diameter of the trunk of our old oak tree was at least thirty inches.
(v) To look steadily at something for a long time.
Sam and Julie gazed at the polar bears swimming in a large pool at the zoo.
(n) 1. The force that pulls things toward the center of Earth.
Gravity causes an apple to fall to the ground.
2. The condition of being serious.
Celia understood later the gravity of what she had done by playing too close to the large waves.
(v) 1. To turn or throw back, such as light or sound.
The mirror reflected Tyler's face when he looked into it.
2. To think carefully about something.
Paul reflected on the next chess piece he would move.
(n) An object that makes distant things seem closer and larger. It does this by using mirrors and lenses.
On a cool October night, Dad and Molly set up the telescope in the backyard to view the stars.
(n) All of space and all the objects in space.
The Milky Way is just one of many large groups of stars in our universe.