2 • Lesson 11 Word List


(n) A book of maps.
To find the Ganges River, Ben used an atlas.


(adj) Knowing of or about something.
Stacey was not aware that she had left her notebook at school until she got home and looked in her backpack.


(n) An adult male pig.
At night, wild boars hunt in the forest for roots.


(n) An imaginary line around the middle of Earth. It is at an equal distance from the North and South Poles.
If you live near the equator, you will notice that the length of the days and nights is almost equal.

A drawing of Earth with a red arrow pointing to the equator, the imaginary line around its middle.

(n) A long pointed tooth. It is found in animals like dogs and tigers, which use it to tear meat. It is also found in snakes.
When the tiger opened its mouth to roar, we could see its fangs clearly.


(adj) 1. Wild and likely to attack.
A polar bear in the wild may become fierce if it is hungry.

2. Very strong and violent.
A fierce wind blew sand into Keith's face as he walked home along the beach.

A polar bear with an angry expression roaring with snow falling around.

(n) The hard, tough covering on the foot of an animal such as a horse, a cow, or a deer.
Lydia carefully removed the stone from her horse's hoof.

Two horse hooves with hard, tough coverings.

(n) A long trip from one place to another.
Last summer, our family made a journey across Canada by train.

A map showing a dotted path from one side to the other, symbolizing a long trip.

(adj) Having to do with a particular place. It is usually the town or neighborhood where one lives.
Yesterday, Hanna and I picked two quarts of strawberries at a local farm.


(adj) 1. Not seen or happening very often.
Looking through the book of rare butterflies, Leanne showed Mr. Bonilla one of her favorites.

2. Cooked very little.
Eating rare meat may not be good for your health.