6 • Lesson 14 Word List


(adj) Wanting to do good; kind.
A benevolent employee paid for the team's Little League uniforms.

A group of kind volunteers picking up trash in a park.

(v) To agree; to allow to happen.
The judges consented to hear the case.

(n) Permission; approval.
Students need a parent's consent to go on the field trip.


(adj) Showing care or wisdom in what one 'says or does.
The counselor made discreet inquiries into the student's past.

discretion (n) The ability to handle matters wisely.
The English teacher left the choice of books to our discretion.


(v) To take up one's complete attention.
The puzzle so engrossed me that I lost track of time.

engrossing (adj) Taking up one's complete attention.
The engrossing conversation made everyone oblivious to the ringing doorbell.

A child is deeply focused on a laptop screen while sitting outside.

(v) To think highly of; to respect.
Historians esteem Eleanor Roosevelt for her human rights work.

(n) Respect; high regard.
The players credit their success to the great esteem they feel for their coach.

esteemed (adj) Highly regarded.
An esteemed member of the community was the unanimous choice to head the task force on housing.


(v) To describe something as larger or greater than it really is.
Some donors exaggerate the value of their contributions to the campaign.

exaggeration (n) Something that is exaggerated.
Saying that your baseball-card collection is worth thousands of dollars is quite an exaggeration.


(adj) 1. Covering a large area.
Central Park is an extensive green expanse in the middle of Manhattan.

2. Ambitious; far-reaching.
The team made extensive preparations for the Himalayan expedition.

A vast field of red flowers stretches out towards the horizon under a setting sun.

(adj) 1. Almost unbelievable.
The guests on the talk show told a fantastic tale of being followed by creatures from outer space.

2. Unusual; odd.
Spectators saw the most fantastic costumes at the Mardi Gras parade.


(v) 1. To fascinate.
The way stage magicians do their tricks intrigues me.

2. To plot in a secret way; to scheme.
Benedict Arnold intrigued against his own country to help the British.

(n) A secret plot or scheme.
Mary Queen of Scots was beheaded when Elizabeth I learned of her intrigues against the throne.


(n) A wonderful or amazing thing.
The Amazon River is one of the great marvels of nature.

(v) To be filled with wonder or amazement.
The world marveled at the pictures of astronauts walking on the moon.

marvelous (adj) 1. Causing wonder; astonishing.
It would be marvelous if we made contact with intelligent life elsewhere in the universe.

2. Of the highest quality; splendid.
The school play has a marvelous part for a versatile actor.

Two children are looking at a tablet with expressions of wonder and amazement.

(n) 1. A special or important task or assignment.
The ambassador's mission was to arrange a meeting with the prime minister.

2. A group sent on an important assignment.
The mission from Israel agreed to resume the peace talks.


(n) 1. A time that is right for doing something.
Isabella was waiting for the opportunity to talk to her mother alone.

2. A chance for getting ahead.
This job offers plenty of opportunity for a diligent young person.


(v) To let go; to give up.
The little boy who found the lost puppy didn't want to relinquish it.

One person handing over car keys to another person.

(n) A ruler or person who has complete power and uses it in cruel or unjust ways.
The tyrant lived in splendor while his people lived in squalor.

tyranny (n) Rule by a tyrant.
Joseph Stalin's tyranny over the people of the Soviet Union did not end until his death in 1953.


(v) To defeat utterly and completely; to overcome.
Success quickly vanquishes fear.