(n) A feeling of fear or nervous wonder and respect.
The view of Earth from space filled the astronauts with awe.
(v) To fill with awe.
The immensity of the whale breaking the surface awed the passengers on the boat.
awesome (adj) Causing feelings of awe.
The herd of stampeding buffalo was an awesome sight.
(n) Something that causes great loss and suffering; a terrible disaster.
The earthquake was a catastrophe that claimed thousands of victims.
(v) To come together with great force.
The two skaters were injured when they collided on the ice.
collision (n) The act of colliding.
The collision occurred because neither of the drivers was paying attention.
(n) 1. A result or outcome.
Receiving a scolding was the consequence of my rude behavior.
2. Importance.
The matter was of no consequence and was soon forgotten.
(v) To cause to believe something that is not true.
The Wizard of Oz tried to deceive Dorothy by pretending to perform real magic.
deceptive (adj) Intended to or likely to deceive or mislead.
Watch the mongoose carefully because its harmless appearance is deceptive.
deception (n) An act of deceiving.
He pretended he didn't know my brother, and it was not until later that I discovered his deception.
(n) A death resulting from an accident or a disaster.
Fortunately there were no fatalities when the train ran off the track.
(v) 1. To compose or perform without preparation.
The actors occasionally improvise a scene based on suggestions from the audience.
2. To make do with whatever is on hand.
The kids at the slumber party improvised a tent from bed sheets.
(n) A machine or device for weaving cloth.
These blankets were woven on a small hand loom.
(v) 1. To appear in a sudden and frightening way.
A sinister figure loomed out of the darkness, scaring us half to death.
2. To get close.
As election day loomed, both parties scrambled for votes.
(v) To cause to relax.
The sound of the ocean lulled us to sleep.
(n) A temporary calm or quiet period.
There was usually a lull at the restaurant between the end of lunch and the start of the dinner rush.
(adj) Calm and peaceful.
The wind suddenly picked up, ruffling the placid surface of the lake.
(n) A difficult or trying situation.
Running out of gas at night on a deserted road put the travelers in a predicament.
(n) The state or condition of being before another in importance or time.
Chandra's first priority was to clean her room before her friends came over.
(v) To increase or strengthen.
Telling frightened children that there is nothing to worry about only reinforces their fear.
reinforcements (n, pl) Extra people such as soldiers or police sent to provide help.
The soldiers were told to hold the fort until reinforcements arrived.
(n) The rear part of a boat.
The front of the boat rose out of the water when everyone rushed to the stern.
(adj) Unpleasantly severe.
The judge's stern expression suggested she was about to hand down a heavy sentence.
(adj) 1. Not to be trusted.
A treacherous sentinel let the enemy pass through the gate.
2. Actually dangerous while seeming to be safe.
Hidden rocks make this part of the river treacherous.