6 • Lesson 17 Word List


(v) To eat or wear away by degrees, usually by chemical action.
Exposure to the weather can corrode unprotected metal surfaces.

corrosion (n) The process or the result of corroding.
Metal bridges must be painted frequently to prevent corrosion.


(n) 1. Broken, scattered remains.
Debris from buildings damaged by the hurricane littered the streets.

2. Litter; rubbish.
It took city workers all day to clean up the debris from the rock concert held in the park.

Trash and broken remains like bottles and branches scattered along a rocky beach.

(adj) Happy and excited; overjoyed.
The elated winners jumped up and down.

elation (n) A feeling of great joy and excitement.
The news that she had won a Nobel prize was greeted with elation by members of her family.

A man in a wheelchair with arms raised in joy, smiling broadly outside in a city neighborhood.

(n) A brave or daring act; an adventure.
The spy wrote a book about her exploits.

(v) 1. To make full use of; to utilize.
Windmills exploit wind power to produce electricity.

2. To use in a selfish way; to take unfair advantage of.
Unions try to protect workers from employers who might exploit them.


(n) An extra amount of time or space that allows some freedom.
The wide channel gives boats entering the harbor plenty of leeway.


(adj) On a small scale.
A miniature railroad for young children ran through the park.

(n) 1. A very small copy.
This miniature of a 1922 car is only six inches long but is complete in every exterior detail.

2. A small painting, especially a portrait.
The locket holds a miniature of the poet's great-grandmother.

A hand holds a small-scale model of a house.

(n) An artistic structure with parts that move easily.
A huge mobile hangs in the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C.

(adj) Easily moved.
The actors travel with a mobile set when the play goes on tour.


(n) A start or a beginning.
The onset of winter was marked by a steep temperature drop.


(n) Soft, watery mud, as at the bottom of a lake or the sea.
Our feet sank into the ooze as we waded across the shallow pond.

(v) To leak out slowly.
Sap oozed from the deep gash in the trunk of the tree.

Sap oozing from a tree trunk wrapped with a rusty wire.

(adj) 1. Causing feelings of pity or sorrow.
The newly arrived refugees told a pathetic story of persecution by their tyrannical rulers.

2. Held in low esteem; arousing scorn.
The team's performance so far this season has been pathetic.


(adj) Coming at the beginning; coming before the main event or activity.
The band director made a few preliminary remarks before the concert began.


(n) A hunt or search.
The expedition set out on a quest for the lost treasure of Montezuma.


(v) To hold back; to keep under control.
The catcher tried to restrain the angry batter, but a brawl quickly erupted.

restraint (n) 1. A holding back or keeping under control.
You showed great restraint in not defending yourself when you were unfairly attacked.

2. Something used to control or hold in check.
The dog wriggled out of the restraint and ran after the ball.


(v) To save from destruction or loss.
Salvage what you can from the wreckage.

(n) Property saved from loss or destruction.
Goods from the burned building were sold off cheaply as salvage.


(v) 1. To clean by scrubbing hard.
We scoured the pots and pans until they gleamed.

2. To search thoroughly.
Detectives scoured the area but failed to find any clues.

A gloved hand scrubbing a surface with a sponge.