7 • Lesson 14 Word List


(v) To state as a fact but without offering proof.
I always pack my own lunch, so I don't know why Sari would allege that I took hers.

alleged (adj) Claimed to be true.
The alleged theft of my bicycle turned out to be my sister borrowing it without telling me.

allegation (n) Something that is alleged.
Our neighbor claimed that my brother was the boy who broke his window, but he could not provide proof to back up his allegation.


(adj) Putting an end to doubt; convincing.
The sales receipt was conclusive proof that the shirt had been paid for.


(n) A person or thing that is similar to another.
The British prime minister is the counterpart of the American president.


(adj) 1. Dark or extremely gloomy.
The dismal weather kept us inside for most of our summer vacation.

2. Causing misery or sadness; depressing.
The dismal conditions in Haiti forced many to flee their homeland.

Sad face sun drawn on a foggy, rain-covered window expressing dismal weather.

(v) To hold the attention of as though under a spell.
The acrobats on the trapeze enthralled the circus audience.

enthralling (adj) Having the power to enthrall.
The children listened for over an hour to the storyteller's enthralling tales.

A child gazes intently at a snow globe, captivated by its magical scene.

(adj) Fascinating because of being very different from the ordinary.
Rare orchids and other exotic flowers decorated the tables at the wedding.

A pink flamingo stands among a group of flamingos, showcasing its vibrant and exotic feathers.

(adj) 1. Doubtful; skeptical.
The teacher was incredulous when the student claimed to have read the novel in two hours.

2. Showing disbelief.
My friend gave me an incredulous look when I said I had seen a flying saucer.

incredulity (n) Doubt or disbelief.
My father gave me a look of incredulity when I said I had asked for extra homework.

A woman with glasses looks doubtful and skeptical.

(adj) 1. Well known; famous and much talked about over a long period of time.
Harriet Tubman, who led more than three hundred enslaved people to freedom, is a legendary figure in American history.

2. Relating to a story (usually untrue) handed down from the past.
Paul Bunyan, the legendary lumberjack of fantastic size and strength, is the hero of many "tall tales."


(v) To prowl or lie hidden, as though about to attack.
The farmer frightened away the fox that lurked by the henhouse.


(n) A collection of animals kept in cages for showing to the public.
The owner of the menagerie assured us that the animals were well cared for.


(adj) 1. Inexperienced; ready to accept without analyzing.
I was naive to believe that sending off the coupon would win me a free vacation in Hawaii.

2. Simple in a childlike way; innocent.
Even though he is nine years old, he maintains a naive belief in the tooth fairy.


(v) To give or promise what is wanted in order to please someone.
I believe that she panders to students by giving them better grades than they deserve.


(adj) Seeming to be true but not necessarily so.
Lin Shao's explanation of why she was late seems plausible, so I'll accept it.


(adj) Too absurd to be believed; ridiculous.
You cannot believe this preposterous newspaper story that a six-month-old baby speaks three languages.


(adj) 1. Marked by close attention to the smallest detail.
Daniela kept a scrupulous record of all her homework assignments.

2. Acting in a correct and honest manner.
The children were scrupulous in the way they divided the money from the lemonade stand.