(v) 1. To choose for an office or position.
The president appoints justices to the Supreme Court.
2. To set or decide upon.
Let's appoint a time for our next meeting.
appointment (n) 1. The act of appointing or being appointed.
All appointments to the Supreme Court must be approved by the Senate.
2. An arrangement or agreement to meet.
I made an appointment to see my teacher on Thursday.
(v) To give one's consent; to agree.
The principal assented to our proposal to wear jeans on Fridays.
(n) An act of agreeing or acceptance.
my parents gave their assent to letting me go to the weekend sleepover.
(v) To be in agreement.
Dr. Alvarez concurred with Dr. Yan's opinion that the patient did not require surgery.
(v) 1. To seek information or advice.
I consulted several reference books to get information about asteroids hitting Earth.
2. To talk things over in order to reach a decision.
While court went into recess, the lawyers consulted each other.
consultation (n) A discussion; a meeting to seek advice.
In my first consultation with the tutor, she gave me a positive approach to studying.
consultant (n) One whose advice is sought.
The city manager hired a consultant to advise her on care for the elderly.
(v) To prevent or discourage someone from doing something.
My friend dissuaded me from skiing the trail called White Heat.
(v) To surprise so greatly that one is speechless; to amaze.
His preposterous story about being abducted by space aliens flabbergasted me.
(v) To argue about, especially about the price of something.
Mom haggled with the dealer for a while before agreeing on a price for the painting.
(v) To make uneasy; to upset greatly.
I was perturbed when our late departure caused me to miss my first class.
(v) To get by making an effort; to obtain.
By foraging in the woods, I was able to procure enough kindling to start a fire.
(adj) Ready and able to receive ideas or suggestions.
I told her I would be receptive to hearing her side of the story.
(v) To refuse to support; to reject.
New discoveries often cause scientists to repudiate earlier beliefs.
(v) 1. To make a firm promise to oneself.
I resolve to work even harder at my studies.
2. To solve.
We can resolve this little problem very easily.
(n) A fixed purpose or intention.
The hard toil and long days weakened Mr. Shahir's resolve to finish the job.
(v) 1. To be a sign of; to mean.
A nod of the head signifies agreement.
2. To make known or clear.
Signify your understanding by raising your hand.
significant (adj) Full of meaning; important.
"There was no forced entry. That is very significant," said the detective.
significance (n) Importance; meaning.
What is the significance of flying the flag upside down?
(adj) 1. Highest; chief.
Creativity is a sovereign quality in fiction writing.
2. Not controlled by others.
After winning independence from England, the thirteen colonies formed a sovereign country.
(n) A king or queen; a monarch.
The sovereign's portrait appears on all British postage stamps.
sovereignty (n) Freedom from political control by a foreign power.
Poland regained its sovereignty when the Soviet Union collapsed at the end of the Cold War.
(adj) Of little value, importance, or meaning.
Their objections to the plan are trifling and should be ignored.