The Late Middle Ages

Social Studies Middle School Late Middle Ages
Students learn about the roles of the Magna Carta and English common law in the expansion of individual liberty in Western civilization. Then, they move forward in time to explore the Black Death and explain its causes and effects. Finally, they create a piece of descriptive writing about the Black Death.

This learning experience is designed for device-enabled classrooms. The teacher guides the lesson, and students use embedded resources, social media skills, and critical thinking skills to actively participate. To get access to a free version of the complete lesson, sign up for an exploros account.

1:1 Devices
Teacher Pack

The Pack contains associated resources for the learning experience, typically in the form of articles and videos. There is a teacher Pack (with only teacher information) and a student Pack (which contains only student information). As a teacher, you can toggle between both to see everything.

Here are the teacher pack items for The Late Middle Ages:

Preview - Scene 1
Exploros Learnign Experience Scene Navigation



In this experience, students learn about the roles of the Magna Carta and English common law in the expansion of individual liberty in Western civilization. Then, they move forward in time to explore the Black Death and explain its causes and effects. Finally, they create a piece of descriptive writing about the Black Death.

Students will work together in small groups in scene 3.

This experience contains a lot of content. You may choose to teach it over two sessions in order to spend adequate time on the various elements of the later Middle Ages.


  • Describe the social, political, and economic development in European Middle Ages.
  • Explain the significance of the Magna Carta.
  • Describe the Black Death and its impact on medieval Europe.

The Middle Ages are often divided into three segments by historians: Early (476–c.1000), High (c.1000–c.1300), and Late (c.1300–c.1500). In this experience, you will look at some major developments of the High and Late Middle Ages.


  • Describe the social, political, and economic development in European Middle Ages.
  • Explain the significance of the Magna Carta.
  • Describe the Black Death and its impact on medieval Europe.

Drawing of men holding the Magna Carter, speaking with the king

Barons Present Their Demands to King John

It’s the year 1215 and you’re the King of England—King John by name, an absolute monarch with unlimited power. Your barons (nobles) have been giving you trouble lately. They don’t want to give you any more tax money to fight foreign wars. They complain that you’re oppressing them. It looks like they’re about to rebel.

One day a bunch of these rebellious knights insist on meeting you in a field. They hand you a sheet of paper containing dozens of demands, such as:

“No free man shall be seized or imprisoned, or stripped of his rights or possessions, or outlawed or exiled, or deprived of his standing in any other way… except by the lawful judgment of his equals or by the law of the land.”

“To no one will we sell, to no one deny or delay right or justice.”

What will happen if you accept the demands? What will happen if you refuse?

Post your answer

Conduct a brief discussion based on students’ responses.

Here’s what King John did: he accepted the barons’ demands and signed the document, which is known as the Magna Carta. It limited the power of the king. In the next scene, you will learn about it and other advances toward individual freedom in 12th- and 13th-century England.

When everyone is ready to continue, unlock the next scene.

End of Preview
The Complete List of Learning Experiences in The Medieval World Unit.
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