1990s – 21st Century unit contains 7 learning experiences.
Learning Experiences (Lessons) in 1990s – 21st Century Each learning experience takes about 45 minutes to teach in the device-enabled classroom.
The Gulf Wars
Students reflect on a map of the Persian Gulf to activate prior knowledge about the Gulf War. Then, they learn about the events leading to the Gulf War. Next, they analyze the effects of the war. Finally, students examine the effects the Gulf War had on soldiers’ health.
Trade and Domestic Issues Under Clinton
Students begin by using prior knowledge and new information to pose a question about Bill Clinton or his presidency. Next, students delve into the major domestic achievements of Clinton’s administration. Then they analyze his impeachment. Finally, they evaluate the NAFTA trade agreement.
Foreign Affairs During the Clinton Administration
Students watch a video from 1992 network news about life during the Balkan Wars. Then, they identify facts about the wars, and use a map to develop questions about the region. Next, they analyze the Oslo Accords. Finally, they use their knowledge of the Balkan Wars to demonstrate their understanding of genocide and ethnic cleansing.
September 11, 2001
Students respond to a video on the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks. Then, they explore facts about the attacks, including events leading up the attacks. Next, they learn about the effects of the attacks, including the war on terror. Finally, they examine the pros and cons of the Patriot Act and create an infographic.
George W. Bush’s Presidency
Students examine a National Weather Service map of the Gulf Coast region during Hurricane Katrina and respond to a question about Katrina’s political implications. Then, they survey major events of the George W. Bush presidency. Next, they study and report on the impact of Hurricane Katrina. Finally, they examine and discuss the presidential election of 2000.
The Technology Revolution
Students watch a video that portrays technology via social media. Then, they learn about the origins of the Information Age from the 1970s to the present. Next, they explain the interaction of technology with the free enterprise system. Finally, students predict the future of the technology revolution.
U.S. Demographics Today
Students watch a video interview with a Ugandan immigrant who has succeeded as a personal trainer in the United States. Then, they explore current facts and issues concerning immigration. Next, they study illegal immigration and explain the issues it raises. Finally, they project demographic changes for the future in the United States.