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Here are the teacher pack items for Revising Your Work:
Overview In this experience, students learn the importance of the revision process. They identify and apply strategies to help improve clarity, development, organization, style, word choice, and sentence variety in their writing. Objectives Duration
You have learned about the steps of the writing process and how each step helps to create a well written and effective text. In this experience, you will learn and practice strategies you can apply during the revising step.
Revisions to a draft of the Declaration of Independence
Reflect on what you know about the Declaration of Independence and explain why it was so important to Thomas Jefferson to make so many revisions in the text.
Students will likely note the importance of the document and Jefferson’s desire to ensure that the text was clear and polished. You can use this example to emphasize that even accomplished writers use the writing process, revising and editing their work many times. You can share the following observations about the writing of the Declaration of Independence, written in 1822 in a letter from John Adams to Timothy Pickering: