Writing Informational Text

ELAR-Grade-6 Non-fiction Texts Writing Informational Text
Students write an informational passage with a compare-and-contrast organizational structure. First, they choose a topic and then move through the writing process from prewriting, to drafting, to revising and editing. They use informational text features in their writing. Students will self-evaluate based on a rubric.

This learning experience is designed for device-enabled classrooms. The teacher guides the lesson, and students use embedded resources, social media skills, and critical thinking skills to actively participate. To get access to a free version of the complete lesson, sign up for an exploros account.

1:1 Devices
Teacher Pack

The Pack contains associated resources for the learning experience, typically in the form of articles and videos. There is a teacher Pack (with only teacher information) and a student Pack (which contains only student information). As a teacher, you can toggle between both to see everything.

Here are the teacher pack items for Writing Informational Text:

Preview - Scene 1
Exploros Learnign Experience Scene Navigation



In this experience, students write an informational passage with a compare-and-contrast organizational structure. First, they choose a topic and then move through the writing process from prewriting, to drafting, to revising and editing. They use informational text features in their writing.

At the end of the experience, students will self-evaluate their work based on a rubric. You may review the rubric with them at any point during this experience.


  • Plan and write informational text, moving through the writing process.
  • Apply informational text features and organizational strategies to an informational passage.
  • Revise and edit informational text.


One week. You may want students to draft or research information outside of classroom time.

Everyone is an expert at something. Think about two related topics that you know a lot about and could teach others.

In this experience, you will write an informational text with a compare-and-contrast organizational structure. You will choose two topics that might seem unrelated and explore their similarities and differences.


  • Plan and write informational text, moving through the writing process.
  • Apply informational text features and organizational strategies to an informational passage.
  • Revise and edit informational text.
Look at the following image. Hamburgers and French fries are often paired together. Think about how a hamburger and French fries are similar. What makes them such good “partners”? How are they different?

Fast food friends: cartoon hamburger and French fries holding hands

List ways that hamburgers and French fries are similar and ways they are different.

Guide discussion towards deeper (or more descriptive) similarities and difference, such as “both are known as ‘American food,’” instead of surface connections like “both are food.”

When everyone is ready to continue, unlock the next scene.

End of Preview
The Complete List of Learning Experiences in Non-fiction Texts Unit.
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