Making Connections to Text

ELAR-Grade-6 Personal Narrative Making Connections to Text
Students identify the three types of connections that can be made while reading. Then, they analyze the connections they make while reading, looking for deeper connections that help them monitor their comprehension. Finally, students apply the knowledge gained to a self-selected text.

This learning experience is designed for device-enabled classrooms. The teacher guides the lesson, and students use embedded resources, social media skills, and critical thinking skills to actively participate. To get access to a free version of the complete lesson, sign up for an exploros account.

1:1 Devices
Teacher Pack

The Pack contains associated resources for the learning experience, typically in the form of articles and videos. There is a teacher Pack (with only teacher information) and a student Pack (which contains only student information). As a teacher, you can toggle between both to see everything.

Here are the teacher pack items for Making Connections to Text:

Preview - Scene 1
Exploros Learnign Experience Scene Navigation



In this experience, students identify the three types of connections that can be made while reading: text-to-self, text-to-text, and text-to–world. Then, they analyze the connections they make while reading, looking for deeper connections that help them monitor their comprehension. Finally, students apply the knowledge gained to a self-selected text.

Note that in scene 4, students make connections to a self-selected text. You should have them select the text before beginning the experience. They may choose a story or a novel they have read or are reading.


  • Identify and define the different types of connections that can be made while reading.
  • Describe the connections made while reading, moving beyond surface connections to deeper connections.
  • Evaluate how making connections improves comprehension.


One class period. You may choose to have the students read “The Nightengale” at home before beginning the experience.

Vocabulary Words in “The Nightengale”

  • astonished: amazed, surprised
  • glorious: having great worth or beauty
  • draught: rush of air
  • coquetry: flirtatious act or attitude
  • chambermaids: bedroom maid
  • lackeys: someone who does tasks or errands for another
  • plumage: feathers of a bird
  • banished: make leave a country

In this experience, you will explore the different types of connections that can be made while reading both an assigned text and a self-selected text. You will use the connections made to analyze your understanding of the text and to monitor your understanding.


  • Identify and define the different types of connections that can be made while reading.
  • Describe the connections made while reading, moving beyond surface connections to deeper connections.
  • Evaluate how making connections improves comprehension.

someone holding an open book that is glowing

Do you have a favorite character from a book you read? Close your eyes and envision that character. Why did you connect to this character?

State your favorite character’s name and what book it is from. Then write a brief letter to the character, explaining why you would like to meet him or her.

Post your answer

Have students share their responses. Draw attention to responses that focus on connecting and relating to the character.

When you can relate to a character or action of the story, you often become more involved with the story and your understanding is greater. In the rest of the experience, you will examine and analyze the different types of connections you can make while reading and use those connections to monitor and improve your comprehension.

When everyone is ready to continue, unlock the next scene.

End of Preview
The Complete List of Learning Experiences in Personal Narrative Unit.
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