East and Southeast Asia: Unit Review

World Cultures East Asia Unit Review
Unit Review Test

This learning experience is designed for device-enabled classrooms. The teacher guides the lesson, and students use embedded resources, social media skills, and critical thinking skills to actively participate. To get access to a free version of the complete lesson, sign up for an exploros account.

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Administering the Unit Review Test

This user-friendly system allows you to administer online assessments and to view reports to help you assess student learning.

Student responses are automatically scored.

If students exit the test without completing it, upon re-entry they will be taken to the last question they completed. If students click the End Test button on the last question, they will not be able to re-enter the test. Ensure that students are certain that they have completed the test before they click the button.

Once the experience has expired, students can review their responses in the experience in the Ended list. You can view a report of the student results in the ended experience.

Taking the Unit Review Test

Answer the questions in order. If you need to skip a question, you can return to it.

When you are certain that you have answered all questions and do not want to change any of your answers, click the End Test button on the last screen.

3. Why were monsoons important to Southeast Asia in times past?

A) The fierce winds and storms protected the region from invaders.
B) They provided the only method for watering the crops.
C) Their predictable winds allowed seafaring traders to come and go regularly.
D) They kept the seawater warm enough for fish and coral to thrive.

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The Complete List of Learning Experiences in East and Southeast Asia Unit.
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